Inquiry, contact

FIPRO d.o.o.
Lesce, Plana 28
SI-4248 LESCE, Slovenija

GSM: +386 41 451 336

ID za DDV: SI87811189
IBAN: SI56 0700 0000 0933 715

Certifikat DIN 18032/4

Send an inquiry / Contact us

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    Check this box if you agree that the company FIPRO d.o.o., also occasionally sends e-mails to the entered e-mail address. You can withdraw your consent at any time via a link in each email or by contacting us. You can read more about how we process your personal data on the Data Protection page.

    We will use your data exclusively for the purpose for which we obtained your consent. We will use your personal information confidentially and will not pass it on to third parties. We handle your privacy in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the Personal Data Protection Act.

    You can unsubscribe at any time by sending a message to the e-mail address: with the subject Unsubscribe. After processing the unsubscribe request, the company, FIPRO d.o.o., will stop sending you the content from which you have unsubscribed. You can read details about opt-out, processing and protection of personal data on the page Data protection .

    Za vse dodatne informacije smo vam dosegljivi na GSM 041 451 336
    Z veseljem vam bomo svetovali in skupaj z vami našli najboljšo rešitev za vas.

    Nikoli ni izdelek tako dober, da ne bi mogel biti še boljši.
    Vedno zmoremo.